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Personalize Your Environment

Made to Measure Artistic Fireplaces

Slate Stairs

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Per non dimenticare.......

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A venture lasting more than 50 years, sustained by the passion of the Demartini family for this ancient Stone used in Building, Architecture and Design as well as other applications, due to the distinctive features which make it unique in its kind.


We produce Pietra Nera Ligure with the utmost respect for the environment, adopting scrupulous measures for the rehabilitation and landscape recovery of disused extraction sites and restoring the land to its original contours and features.


EUROLAVAGNE.COM is a specialized slate production company offering a wide range of slate for use in schools, universities, companies and business activities. It also produces magnetic and non magnetic boards and supplies flip-chart boards, bulletin boards, notice boards, magnetic planners and projection screens.

Become a Distributor


Slate is a unique natural stone with distinctive features which make it ideal for diverse uses, both externally and internally. Due to its particular resistance to pressure and weathering caused by the effects of freeze-thaw action (gelifraction), in the building and construction trade it is used externally as roofing and cladding material, as paving for paths, yards, patios, driveways etc. It is used internally for floor and wall covering etc both with a polished finish, or a natural cleft finish to keep its original appearance.

Due to its elegant, uniform purity, it is used in classic and contemporary interior architecture to make furnishing items such as shelves, solid slate sinks and basins, kitchen worktops, bathroom vanity tops, accessories, etc. as well as fireplaces because of its particular resistance to heat.

Blackboards Regeneration

Oltre alla produzione, F.lli DEMARTINI esegue la rigenerazione di Lavagne in ardesia, anche di grandi dimensioni e metrature. Il servizio avviene con la sostituzione della vecchia lavagna o complesso di lavagne, con una nuova, previo sopraluogo e valutazione dell’intervento.

L’azienda si occupa dello smontaggio della vecchia lavagna e dello smaltimento. In presenza di complessi di lavagne (es. lavagne universitarie) di parecchi metri di lunghezza, anche senza cornice, dopo lo smontaggio delle vecchie lastre vengono installate le nuove lastre perfettamente affiancate a correre, per l’intera metratura da coprire. In presenza di spazi limitati, o a sostituzione di vecchie lavagne con cornice in legno, possono essere installate comode lavagne in ardesia a saliscendi con struttura leggera in alluminio, anche con sistema modulare di più elementi affiancati. Tutti gli interventi sono personalizzati ed eseguiti previo sopraluogo e preventivo.

The quarries

F.lli DEMARTINI owns three quarries situated in the Orero extraction site in Val Fontanabuona (near Genoa). The quarries, all underground, are equipped with modern cutting machinery thanks to which the blocks extracted come in perfectly regular parallelepipedic shapes, unlike years ago. Over the years, the quality of the material from these quarries and the excellent ……view more

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  • 01_Schermi proiezione a cavalletto
  • 06_Bacheca  vetri scorrevoli+serratura
  • particol apertura
  • 03_Lavagne_a_fogli_mobili
  • 02_Cavalletto_con_ruote_per_lavagna
  • 04_lavagne_Acciaio_Porcellanato_alluminio
  • 06_Lavagna_ardesia_a_cavalletto_alluminio
  • 04_Lavagne_Ardesia_a_cavalletto_legno
  • 02_Lavagne_Ardesia_a_cavalletto_legno
  • 03_Lavagna_a_saliscendi_in_acciaio_porcellanato
  • 08_Lavagne_piccole
  • 01_Cavalletto_trepiedi_in_legno
  • 04_lavagne_non_magnetiche
  • 06_Lavagne_mobili
  • 02_Lavagne_mobili